祝贺深圳XX知名电源公司订购CSA C22.2 No42-2010标准插头插座量规

祝贺深圳XX知名电源公司订购CSA C22.2 No42-2010标准插头插座量规,




CSA C22.2 No42-2010标准量规详情:http://www.ag17.wang/pluggauge/CSA_C22.2_No.42_gauge_1.html

各国插头插座量规: http://www.ag17.wang/pluggauge/


North America UL498-2012/CSA 22.2 No42 Gauges for plugs and sockets
North America UL498-2012/CSA 22.2 No42 Gauges for minimum and maximum withdrawal force
Denmark DS 60884-2-D1: 2011 Gauges for plugs and sockets
South Africa(SABS)SANS 164-1/SANS 164-2/SANS 164-3/SANS 164-4/SANS 164-5/SANS 164-6 Gauges for plugs and sockets
South Africa plug and socket dimension gauge(SABS 164)
南非插头插座尺寸量规(SABS 164)
图为大小南非(6A/16A)插头通规According to the SABS 164 standard requests, selects the high quality molding tool steel, by precision machinery processing equipment manufacture. The gauge can agent calibration.
The photo is South Africa 6A/16A plug dimension “GO” gauges
The photo is India 6A/16A plug dimension “GO” gauges
The gauge accordance with BS1363 standard used to measure the UK plug and socket dimension, and selection of high quality mold steel produced by precision machinery equipment processing. 
The gauge can also agent of calibration.
IEC 60320 Appliances couplers dimension gauge(IEC/EN 60320,GB17465)

标签:  UL498保持力量规 CSA 22.2拔出力量规